Package | Description |
foundation.greensoftware.carbonaware.webapi | |
foundation.greensoftware.carbonaware.webapi.auth | |
foundation.greensoftware.carbonaware.webapi.client |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ApiCallback.onFailure(ApiException e,
int statusCode,
Map<String,List<String>> responseHeaders)
This is called when the API call fails.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
okhttp3.Call |
ApiClient.buildCall(String baseUrl,
String path,
String method,
List<Pair> queryParams,
List<Pair> collectionQueryParams,
Object body,
Map<String,String> headerParams,
Map<String,String> cookieParams,
Map<String,Object> formParams,
String[] authNames,
ApiCallback callback)
Build HTTP call with the given options.
okhttp3.Request |
ApiClient.buildRequest(String baseUrl,
String path,
String method,
List<Pair> queryParams,
List<Pair> collectionQueryParams,
Object body,
Map<String,String> headerParams,
Map<String,String> cookieParams,
Map<String,Object> formParams,
String[] authNames,
ApiCallback callback)
Build an HTTP request with the given options.
<T> T |
ApiClient.deserialize(okhttp3.Response response,
Type returnType)
Deserialize response body to Java object, according to the return type and
the Content-Type response header.
File |
ApiClient.downloadFileFromResponse(okhttp3.Response response)
Download file from the given response.
<T> ApiResponse<T> |
ApiClient.execute(okhttp3.Call call)
<T> ApiResponse<T> |
ApiClient.execute(okhttp3.Call call,
Type returnType)
Execute HTTP call and deserialize the HTTP response body into the given return type.
<T> T |
ApiClient.handleResponse(okhttp3.Response response,
Type returnType)
Handle the given response, return the deserialized object when the response is successful.
okhttp3.RequestBody |
ApiClient.serialize(Object obj,
String contentType)
Serialize the given Java object into request body according to the object's
class and the request Content-Type.
void |
ApiClient.updateParamsForAuth(String[] authNames,
List<Pair> queryParams,
Map<String,String> headerParams,
Map<String,String> cookieParams,
String payload,
String method,
URI uri)
Update query and header parameters based on authentication settings.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ApiKeyAuth.applyToParams(List<Pair> queryParams,
Map<String,String> headerParams,
Map<String,String> cookieParams,
String payload,
String method,
URI uri) |
void |
Authentication.applyToParams(List<Pair> queryParams,
Map<String,String> headerParams,
Map<String,String> cookieParams,
String payload,
String method,
URI uri)
Apply authentication settings to header and query params.
void |
HttpBasicAuth.applyToParams(List<Pair> queryParams,
Map<String,String> headerParams,
Map<String,String> cookieParams,
String payload,
String method,
URI uri) |
void |
HttpBearerAuth.applyToParams(List<Pair> queryParams,
Map<String,String> headerParams,
Map<String,String> cookieParams,
String payload,
String method,
URI uri) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<EmissionsForecastDTO> |
CarbonAwareApi.batchForecastDataAsync(List<EmissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO> emissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO)
Given an array of historical forecasts, retrieves the data that contains forecasts metadata, the optimal forecast and a range of forecasts filtered by the attributes [start...end] if provided.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.batchForecastDataAsyncAsync(List<EmissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO> emissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO,
ApiCallback<List<EmissionsForecastDTO>> _callback)
Given an array of historical forecasts, retrieves the data that contains forecasts metadata, the optimal forecast and a range of forecasts filtered by the attributes [start...end] if provided.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.batchForecastDataAsyncCall(List<EmissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO> emissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO,
ApiCallback _callback)
Build call for batchForecastDataAsync
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsForecastDTO>> |
CarbonAwareApi.batchForecastDataAsyncWithHttpInfo(List<EmissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO> emissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO)
Given an array of historical forecasts, retrieves the data that contains forecasts metadata, the optimal forecast and a range of forecasts filtered by the attributes [start...end] if provided.
Map<String,Location> |
Get all locations instances
okhttp3.Call |
LocationsApi.getAllLocationsAsync(ApiCallback<Map<String,Location>> _callback)
Get all locations instances (asynchronously)
okhttp3.Call |
LocationsApi.getAllLocationsCall(ApiCallback _callback)
Build call for getAllLocations
ApiResponse<Map<String,Location>> |
Get all locations instances
CarbonIntensityDTO |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensity(String location,
OffsetDateTime startTime,
OffsetDateTime endTime)
Retrieves the measured carbon intensity data between the time boundaries and calculates the average carbon intensity during that period.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityAsync(String location,
OffsetDateTime startTime,
OffsetDateTime endTime,
ApiCallback<CarbonIntensityDTO> _callback)
Retrieves the measured carbon intensity data between the time boundaries and calculates the average carbon intensity during that period.
List<CarbonIntensityDTO> |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityBatch(List<CarbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO> carbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO)
Given an array of request objects, each with their own location and time boundaries, calculate the average carbon intensity for that location and time period and return an array of carbon intensity objects.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityBatchAsync(List<CarbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO> carbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO,
ApiCallback<List<CarbonIntensityDTO>> _callback)
Given an array of request objects, each with their own location and time boundaries, calculate the average carbon intensity for that location and time period and return an array of carbon intensity objects.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityBatchCall(List<CarbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO> carbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO,
ApiCallback _callback)
Build call for getAverageCarbonIntensityBatch
ApiResponse<List<CarbonIntensityDTO>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityBatchWithHttpInfo(List<CarbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO> carbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO)
Given an array of request objects, each with their own location and time boundaries, calculate the average carbon intensity for that location and time period and return an array of carbon intensity objects.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityCall(String location,
OffsetDateTime startTime,
OffsetDateTime endTime,
ApiCallback _callback)
Build call for getAverageCarbonIntensity
ApiResponse<CarbonIntensityDTO> |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityWithHttpInfo(String location,
OffsetDateTime startTime,
OffsetDateTime endTime)
Retrieves the measured carbon intensity data between the time boundaries and calculates the average carbon intensity during that period.
List<EmissionsData> |
CarbonAwareApi.getBestEmissionsDataForLocationsByTime(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the best emission data by list of locations for a specified time period.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getBestEmissionsDataForLocationsByTimeAsync(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime,
ApiCallback<List<EmissionsData>> _callback)
Calculate the best emission data by list of locations for a specified time period.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getBestEmissionsDataForLocationsByTimeCall(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime,
ApiCallback _callback)
Build call for getBestEmissionsDataForLocationsByTime
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsData>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getBestEmissionsDataForLocationsByTimeWithHttpInfo(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the best emission data by list of locations for a specified time period.
List<EmissionsForecastDTO> |
CarbonAwareApi.getCurrentForecastData(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime dataStartAt,
OffsetDateTime dataEndAt,
Integer windowSize)
Retrieves the most recent forecasted data and calculates the optimal marginal carbon intensity window.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getCurrentForecastDataAsync(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime dataStartAt,
OffsetDateTime dataEndAt,
Integer windowSize,
ApiCallback<List<EmissionsForecastDTO>> _callback)
Retrieves the most recent forecasted data and calculates the optimal marginal carbon intensity window.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getCurrentForecastDataCall(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime dataStartAt,
OffsetDateTime dataEndAt,
Integer windowSize,
ApiCallback _callback)
Build call for getCurrentForecastData
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsForecastDTO>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getCurrentForecastDataWithHttpInfo(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime dataStartAt,
OffsetDateTime dataEndAt,
Integer windowSize)
Retrieves the most recent forecasted data and calculates the optimal marginal carbon intensity window.
List<EmissionsData> |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationByTime(String location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the best emission data by location for a specified time period.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationByTimeAsync(String location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime,
ApiCallback<List<EmissionsData>> _callback)
Calculate the best emission data by location for a specified time period.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationByTimeCall(String location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime,
ApiCallback _callback)
Build call for getEmissionsDataForLocationByTime
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsData>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationByTimeWithHttpInfo(String location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the best emission data by location for a specified time period.
List<EmissionsData> |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationsByTime(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the observed emission data by list of locations for a specified time period.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationsByTimeAsync(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime,
ApiCallback<List<EmissionsData>> _callback)
Calculate the observed emission data by list of locations for a specified time period.
okhttp3.Call |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationsByTimeCall(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime,
ApiCallback _callback)
Build call for getEmissionsDataForLocationsByTime
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsData>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationsByTimeWithHttpInfo(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the observed emission data by list of locations for a specified time period.
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