Package | Description |
foundation.greensoftware.carbonaware.webapi | |
foundation.greensoftware.carbonaware.webapi.client |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> ApiResponse<T> |
ApiClient.execute(okhttp3.Call call)
<T> ApiResponse<T> |
ApiClient.execute(okhttp3.Call call,
Type returnType)
Execute HTTP call and deserialize the HTTP response body into the given return type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsForecastDTO>> |
CarbonAwareApi.batchForecastDataAsyncWithHttpInfo(List<EmissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO> emissionsForecastBatchParametersDTO)
Given an array of historical forecasts, retrieves the data that contains forecasts metadata, the optimal forecast and a range of forecasts filtered by the attributes [start...end] if provided.
ApiResponse<Map<String,Location>> |
Get all locations instances
ApiResponse<List<CarbonIntensityDTO>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityBatchWithHttpInfo(List<CarbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO> carbonIntensityBatchParametersDTO)
Given an array of request objects, each with their own location and time boundaries, calculate the average carbon intensity for that location and time period and return an array of carbon intensity objects.
ApiResponse<CarbonIntensityDTO> |
CarbonAwareApi.getAverageCarbonIntensityWithHttpInfo(String location,
OffsetDateTime startTime,
OffsetDateTime endTime)
Retrieves the measured carbon intensity data between the time boundaries and calculates the average carbon intensity during that period.
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsData>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getBestEmissionsDataForLocationsByTimeWithHttpInfo(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the best emission data by list of locations for a specified time period.
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsForecastDTO>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getCurrentForecastDataWithHttpInfo(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime dataStartAt,
OffsetDateTime dataEndAt,
Integer windowSize)
Retrieves the most recent forecasted data and calculates the optimal marginal carbon intensity window.
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsData>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationByTimeWithHttpInfo(String location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the best emission data by location for a specified time period.
ApiResponse<List<EmissionsData>> |
CarbonAwareApi.getEmissionsDataForLocationsByTimeWithHttpInfo(List<String> location,
OffsetDateTime time,
OffsetDateTime toTime)
Calculate the observed emission data by list of locations for a specified time period.
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