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3. Move Command Line Parameters to Config File




The CLI works currently through a variety of command line parameters, and while this works for the current array of options, it is unlikely to cater for future needs.

With a dynamic plugin based architecture, plugins will require a variety of custom configurations that can not be predetermined by the command line.

To handle this we need to abstract this complexity of "how" the SDK is configured from the command line parameters.


The decisions is to move all command line parameters other than time "-t --time -toTime" and location "-l --location" parameters to a standard "carbon-aware.config". The only other command line parameters that will remain are "-h --help" and a new command line parameter to define the configuration file location "-c --config".

The file will be a json file due to json being widely known, and static data files already being in json, so this will not introduce any other dependencies or skills.


This will mean the application will have a standalone executable + a config file.

The usage focus becomes more of "when" and "where" vs "how". "How" is now configured.

Regardless of plugin, the command line parameters will always be the same. This will create more consistency. Due to this, testing command line will now be consistent across plugins due to the configuration file being the only change.

For native integration to the SDK, this configuration would usually be in code. This can still occur, however it would not be possible to store this configuration externally if required, making the native code configurable also.

Configuration may differ betweeen platforms/languages - however this would be the case via command line. This means there will be consistency in the command line between platforms, hiding platform depdendencies from the parameters and moved to the config.

Green Impact
