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Java Client Example

This folder contains an example for WebAPI client in Java. Client library would be generated dynamically via openapi-generator-maven-plugin, and call WebAPI endpoints without HTTP code.

Javadoc is here.

openapi-generator-maven-plugin generates Maven/Gradle project when it kicks, however this example uses generated codes directly. So you don't need to run/modify project files in it.


  • OpenAPI spec file
    • Both online and offline file are available.
    • See WebAPI document for details.
  • WebAPI instance
    • See the Overview if you'd like to start it on container.
  • Java 8 or later
  • Maven

Client code is an example program to call WebAPI endpoint. It calls all of endpoints, and shows the result.

Following methods are available:

  • processBestEmissionsDataByLocations
    • Call /emissions/bylocations/best
    • Shows result of the best emission data for west/central/east US yesterday.
  • processEmissionsDataByLocations
    • Call /emissions/bylocations
    • Shows top of result of emission data for west/central/east US yesterday.
  • processEmissionsDataByLocation
    • Call /emissions/bylocation
    • Shows top of result of emission data for westus yesterday.
  • processCurrentForecastData
    • Call /emissions/forecasts/current
    • Shows top of forecast data for westus.
  • processForecastBatchData
    • Call /emissions/forecasts/batch
    • Shows forecast data for westus.
  • processAverageData
    • Call /emissions/average-carbon-intensity .
    • Shows average data for westus yesterday.
  • processAverageBatchData
    • Call /emissions/average-carbon-intensity/batch
    • Shows average data for westus yesterday.

OffsetDateTime is used for parameters in each APIs. However the error occurs if nano sec is set to it in case of WattTime. So it is highly recommended that clears nanosec field like withNano(0).

How it works

1. Set up for POM

You need to change following properties:

  • openapi.spec
    • OpenAPI spec file
  • webapi.endpoint
    • WebAPI base URL

2. Build

$ mvn clean package

3. Run

$ mvn exec:java

Running in container

This example also can run in container. You can use Maven official image.

If you want to run both WebAPI and build process in container, you need to join 2 containers to same network.

Following instructions are for Podman.

1. Create pod

This pod publishes port 80 in the pod to 8080 on the host, then you can access WebAPI in the pod. The pod is named to carbon-aware-sdk.

podman pod create -p 8080:80 --name carbon-aware-sdk

2. Start WebAPI container

Start WebAPI container in carbon-aware-sdk pod. It is specified at --pod option.

See Overview document to build container image.

$ podman run -it --rm --pod carbon-aware-sdk \
    -e CarbonAwareVars__CarbonIntensityDataSource="WattTime" \
    -e WattTimeClient__Username="wattTimeUsername" \
    -e WattTimeClient__Password="wattTimePassword" \

3. Run Maven in the container

Run mvn command in Maven container in catbon-aware-sdk pod. You need to mount Carbon Aware SDK source directory to the container. It mounts to /src in the container in following case.

In following command, you can rebuild java-client, and can run the artifact. You can get artifacts from samples/java-client/target on the container host of course.

$ podman run -it --rm --pod carbon-aware-sdk \
    -v `pwd`/carbon-aware-sdk:/src:Z  \ \
    mvn -f /src/samples/java-client/pom.xml clean package exec:java

Maven will download many dependencies in each mvn call. You can avoid it when you mount .m2 like -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 because it shares Maven cache between the host and the container.